
Packing box

Boxes are very vital and fundamental elements in everyday life and various industries. These tools are not only used for the protection and transportation of products but also play a significant role in creating a better experience for the consumer, introducing the brand, preserving the environment, and effective resource management.

Everything you need to know about the box and its types!

Boxes are very vital and fundamental elements in everyday life and various industries. These tools are not only used for the protection and transportation of products but also play a significant role in creating a better experience for the consumer, introducing the brand, preserving the environment, and effective resource management.

Boxes, with diversity in materials, sizes, designs, and uses, cater to the various needs and preferences of customers. This packaging tool can range from simple cardboard to beautiful paper, from hygienic plastic to durable metal, and even be made from recyclable materials. Continuing from the perspective of Nonegah, we will provide you with a comprehensive view of this product.

جعبه بسته بندی

What's box?

A box is a single unit or a physical structure used to protect, store, and transport products. These boxes are designed and used for the transportation and storage of various products, including food items, electronics, household goods, toys, medical supplies, and more.

The main objectives of making boxes

Protection of the product Creating a protective environment to prevent various damages and impacts that may occur to the product.

Storage and measurement: Providing suitable conditions for preserving and stabilizing the product for a specific period, including maintaining freshness and quality.

Facilitating transportation: Providing mechanisms and facilities necessary for the easy and safe transportation of products.

These boxes are made from various materials such as cardboard, paperboard, plastic, metals, wood, etc., and depending on the type of product and packaging needs, they come in different designs and sizes

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Types of packing boxes

Types of boxes are categorized into various categories based on their type, material, and structural shape.

Cardboard box

A cardboard box is a type of packaging made from cardboard or corrugated paper This type of packaging is made from corrugated or cardboard sheets, which are cut and assembled using various joints to form a box structure, and then products are placed inside it. These boxes are used for packaging and transporting various products, including laundry detergent boxes, household items, electronics, general merchandise, and more.

The advantages of cardboard boxes are:

  • Lightweight and easy to carry: Cardboard boxes, due to their lightweight and sturdy structure, are very suitable for easy transportation and product transfer.
  • Recyclability and environmental protection: Often, cardboard boxes are made from recyclable materials, and if there is the possibility of recycling and reusing them, they can help protect the environment.
  • Reasonable price: The production and purchase of cardboard boxes are usually more cost-effective compared to some other packaging materials.

Flexibility in design: Cardboard boxes are available in various designs and sizes, allowing them to be tailored to the specific packaging needs of each product.

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Cardboard box

A cardboard box is a type of packaging made of cardboard. Corrugated cardboard is a type of composite material made from various layers of paper or cardboard woven together. These layers are bonded together, resulting in high strength and durability for the corrugated cardboard.

Ordering a corrugated box is typically made from corrugated sheets, which are cut and assembled using various joints into a box-shaped structure, and then products are placed inside it. This type of packaging, due to its strong and sturdy structure, is used for packaging and transporting various products.

The advantages of ordering corrugated boxes include:

Strength and durability: Corrugated cardboard has high strength and resistance, which can protect products against impacts and pressure.

Recyclability and environmental preservation: Corrugated cardboard is considered a recyclable material, and if recycled in accordance with environmental laws, it contributes to environmental preservation.

Flexibility in design: Corrugated cardboard can be easily adjusted to different designs and various sizes, allowing it to meet the packaging needs of each product.

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جعبه بسته بندی لمینتی

Laminate box

A laminated box is a type of packaging made from laminated materials. Laminating means covering a surface with a thin layer of other materials, which is called laminate These laminating materials are typically a type of plastic, adhesive film, or other substances. In some cases, laminated boxes are also used as shoe boxes and homemade pastry or confectionery boxes.

Ordering a laminated box is typically made from a sturdy template, and then by laminating its outer surface, it acquires a special outer layer with specific characteristics. This outer layer usually enhances strength, water resistance, impact resistance, and adds beauty and attractive design to the box.

The advantages of laminated boxes are:

  • Beauty and beautiful effect: Laminating the box surface adds beauty and an attractive appearance, and it also allows for printing on the laminate.
  • Resistance and protection: The laminated layer can protect the box from various risks such as water, impact, scratches, and wear.
  • Recycling : Some types of laminates and the materials used in them are recyclable, which helps with environmental preservation.
  • Easy to print and design: Laminating the surface of the box allows for printing various designs and provides good print quality, aiding in the design of the box.
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The most important advantages of using the box

The use of boxes for packaging and storing various products is very important and comes with numerous benefits. Below are the most important advantages of using boxes:

  • Protection and safeguarding of products: Boxes provide effective protection for products, including protection against impacts, scratches, damages, and unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Facilitating transportation: Boxes provide easy and safe transportation of products. Their sturdy and suitable structure ensures that products are safely transported to their destination.
  • Facilitating product display and sales: Boxes, as the final packaging of products, can have a visual and appealing impact, which can effectively encourage customers and facilitate product sales. For example, using a box for lamps or tools in an appropriate manner can enhance the display of these products.
  • Brand development and recognition: Proper design and branding on boxes aid in brand recognition and effective brand identity. Box design can facilitate increased sales and brand popularity. For information on box printing prices, contact Nonegah experts.
  • Improved inventory and warehousing management: Using appropriate boxes and proper labeling on them enhances product inventory and warehousing management, helping reduce product losses.
  • Environmental and recycling: Recyclable and reusable boxes can contribute to environmental preservation and waste reduction. Using recyclable materials and optimizing boxes in this regard is highly important.
  • Cost reduction: Using appropriate boxes and revising the packaging process can reduce production and transportation costs, save time and energy, and improve production efficiency and productivity.

Using suitable boxes based on the type of product and packaging needs can greatly assist businesses and is of great importance.

How to print on the box

Printing on boxes is an important and vital process that allows you to give your products an identity, provide useful information, and advance your marketing efforts. This process should be carried out with precision and attention to ensure that the boxes capture the attention of customers and audiences. Below, we have outlined the general stages of how to print on a box:

  • Graphic Design :

In the beginning, you need to create a beautiful and attractive graphic design for printing on the box. This design includes elements such as a logo, slogan, images, fonts, and colors.

  • Choosing box materials and printing type

Depending on the type of box material (such as paper, cardboard, or plastic) and the desired printing type (offset printing, digital printing, and…), the printing process may vary. For example, offset printing is used for paper materials.

  • Choosing colors and materials:

Choosing colors and materials is important. Colors should be in line with your brand and attention-grabbing for your audience. The content should be clear, attractive, and comprehensible.

  • Preparation of print files: (Artwork)

After the design, high-quality print files are prepared, taking into account the desired printing type. These files should be prepared with precision and high quality for printing.

  • Simple print (Proofing ) :

Before final printing, a small sample is printed on the box for observation and evaluation, and any necessary revisions can be made.

  • Final print:

After the sample is approved and the quality and accuracy of the printing are ensured, the final printing stage is carried out, and a larger quantity of boxes is printed.

  • Cutting and finishing:

Printed boxes are cut to size and shape, then finished and arranged as needed.

In the end, choosing a reputable printing company like Nongah and having effective collaboration with the design and printing team is important to ensure the final result is high-quality and cost-effective.

چاپ جعبه بسته بندی

The most important uses of the box

Boxes have various applications in different industries and everyday life. Below are the most important uses of boxes:

  • Packaging and transportation of products:

Packing and transporting products from production to consumption is one of the main uses of boxes. They help to protect and maintain the health of products. For example : tea box

  • Selling and displaying products:

Boxes are used as the final packaging for products in stores and exhibitions to display and attract customers. Beautiful design and high-quality printing on boxes help introduce and sell products.

  • Warehousing and inventory management:

Boxes, with the help of appropriate labels and signage placed on them, assist in proper inventory management and storage of products.

  • Transportation of goods:

Boxes are used for transporting goods from one place to another, including local, intercity, and international transportation.

  • Shipping and delivery of online orders:

In the characteristics of online business, the design and printing of packaging boxes are very important for sending products to customers. They protect products during transportation and maintain the freshness and quality of the products. For example, the toy box can be mentioned in this case.

  • Storage of documents:

Boxes can be used for storing and protecting documents, papers, and valuable items like books, photos, and legal documents.

  • Use in personal transportation:

Individuals can also use boxes for packing and transporting personal items or sending gifts.

  • Food packing:

Boxes are used in packaging food products, including cakes, pastries, cereals, etc., to deliver fresh and intact products and protect them from contamination.

Factors affecting the price of the box

The price of boxes can be influenced by various factors, which may relate to the manufacturing company, market competition, product type, materials used, design, size, order quantity, and other relevant factors. Below are the factors that influence the price of boxes:

  • Consumables and quality of materials:

The type and quality of materials used to make the box are of great importance. Consumables can include materials such as cardboard, carton, plastic, metals, and so on. High-quality materials usually increase the price of the box.

  • Box size and design:

The size and design of the box play an important role in the price. Larger or more intricately designed boxes usually cost more.

  • Number of orders:

The number of boxes an order includes also affects the price. Production for large scales may reduce prices and increase production efficiency.

  • Market competition and demand and supply:

Market conditions, demand and supply also affect the price of boxes. In a competitive market, prices are set according to demand and competitive strategies. For example, instant box production is one of the most competitive cases.

  • Production process and production cost:

The production costs of boxes include the cost of raw materials, labor, equipment, management costs, and other production-related expenses, which play a significant role in determining the final price.

  • Special packaging:

If the box has special packaging such as lamination, special printing, different coatings, it can increase the price.

  • Market tastes and preferences:

The preferences and tastes of the market and customers can also affect the price. Some customers may be willing to pay a higher price for beautiful and quality boxes. Local rules and regulations:

Local or international laws and regulations may have an impact on the price of boxes, for example environmental regulations or taxes related to boxes.

The combination of these factors and the mentioned items can determine the final price of the boxes.

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A final word about ordering a packing box

Boxes are one of the most effective and basic packaging tools that are used in daily life and various industries. They not only help us package and ship products, but also play an important role in attracting customers, protecting content, and making products easy to manage.

In choosing and designing the box, we need to pay attention to the size, material, design, added value and market variables. Also, keep in mind that box and envelope ordering is more than a packaging device and can affect brand identity and customer experience.

Also, the importance of recycling and the use of recyclable materials in the construction of boxes should also be emphasized. This action helps to preserve the environment and effective use of resources. If you need to prepare a box for your business, contact Chapnonegah experts and finalize your order while receiving free advice.

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Examples of packing box works

FAQ about packing box

Boxes are essential items for packaging and transporting products. They help protect, maintain, display and attract customers.

To determine the right box size, you must first measure the size and features of the product. Then think big enough of the product to make room for packaging.

Materials used for boxes include paper, cardboard, plastic, metals, and other materials. The choice of materials depends on the type of product, destination and other factors.

The beautiful design is selected based on the type of product, the target market, and the taste of customers. You can collaborate with professional designers and use attractive colors, patterns and prints.

You must consider factors such as consumables, size, design, number of orders, and production cost, and consider efficiency and profitability.

Yes, you can use recycled boxes made from recyclable materials such as cardboard. This helps to preserve the environment.

Many manufacturing companies and printers offer personalized box services. You can consult and order the design, size, material and other details with them.

Yes, you can design your own boxes and either work with specialized companies for production or use online tools and design software for box design.